Corpus Christi Municipal Court

Citation Payment

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A 3% credit card fee plus an additional $2.50 online convenience fee will be added to all transactions made online. The online convenience fee will appear as a separate charge on your statement and is paid directly to the online billing service provider.

If you pay any new citation you received without a court order, a plea of no contest and a judgment will be entered. The conviction will be reported to DPS to be placed on your driving record or criminal record if applicable.

Search for your citation to see what options are available to you.

Use this format when searching for citations:  CT012345 (ALL CAPS)

Use this format when entering your date of birth: MM/DD/YYYY.

Need help?
(361) 826-2500

A 3% credit card fee plus an additional $2.50 online convenience fee will be added to all transactions made online. The online convenience fee will appear as a separate charge on your statement and is paid directly to the online billing service provider.

If you pay any new citation you received without a court order, a plea of no contest and a judgment will be entered. The conviction will be reported to DPS to be placed on your driving record or criminal record if applicable.

Search for your citation to see what options are available to you.

Use this format when searching for citations:  CT012345 (ALL CAPS)

Use this format when entering your date of birth: MM/DD/YYYY.